Tuesday, April 20, 2010


At first glance, I don't find myself too diverse.

I'm a 6'0", 180 pound white dude with blonde hair that lives in Springfield, MO. One of the least diverse areas I've ever lived in.

So, to say the least, I do not find myself very diverse. And there is nothing wrong with that... because I am blessed to be where I am at in life.

As I grew up learning leadership skills though, I've always valued diversity immensely! Specifically in this area, I not only value diversity, but I've always tried to see it out.

One of the ways I've tried to seek out diversity is through reading... except I hate to read. But I love learning, so because of that I find myself being forced to read. And what I read usually has some diversity to it.

This book above, Miles To Cross: A Spiritual Journey on the Open Road, has a very diverse agenda to it, and I appreciate it.

Mike Howerton discovers diversity in an unusual journey. The book follows him as a college student through Europe by train, America by motorcycle, Britain by hitchhiking, and Central America by any means possible. This is a book with an authentic narrative that reveals a stepping-stone journey to faith. A raw experience which today's generation can identify with.

As a Director of Youth at Schweitzer, if all I read was student ministry books, I feel like i'd become a one-track leader. I believe we become better leaders by engaging a more diverse learning/education process, like Mike Howerton did in his book.

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