Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good Business

What makes a great job great?

Here is what Outside magazine wrote, in their article, "Will Work For Good."

Make em’ Sweat

It’s a well-known fact that healthier employees save businesses money.

Destroy the Cubicles

Because inspired people need inspired surroundings. Help create a vibe that encourages a smoother flow of ideas. Management principle: It’s easier to stay calm when your desk sits in a bedroom.

Pay it Forward

Smart business leaders know that community service can inspire innovation and teamwork.

Loosen the Reins

The world needs a company that is built around a set of management principles diametrically opposed to much of modern business orthodoxy. WOrks are encouraged to use half a day per week as “dabble time” to pursue projects. CEO of Great Harvest Bread Co., Mike Ferretti, says, “Giving up control of your business is scary, but doing so will ultimately cement the bond with your team.”

Ignore the Clock

Almost every company on our list (Outside’s “50 Best Places to Work) finds a way to help employees get out of the office. Trusting your team to manage their own hours flies in the face of a trend toward squeezing every waking minute out of your staff, but good companies manage to do it while maintaining high output. As these companies see it, letting workers make time for family or fresh tracks (biking) keeps them energized.

Reduce Your Impact

WIth greenwashing now among the most insidious of corporate marketing tactics, it’s reassuring to see so many businesses adopting honest strategies for environmental responsibility. Basically, going green.

Swag Them

Because nothing shows your staff the love better than free travel, gear, and parties. In addition to free travel opportunities for its staff, Natural Habitat Adventures offers discounted travel (80%) for a family member- to make sure the trip doesn’t feel like work. Parties include bowling night, a Halloween costume party, a Christmas party with fun give-a-ways, etc.

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