As with many of the ruins in Rome, there are several layers of history in the same place. The Romans had a habit or building things on top of things. Some emperors would tear down their predecessor's palace and build their own palace right on top of it.
Recently, I can't help but wonder if our generation have conveniently forgotten how inconvenient it can be to follow in the TRUE footsteps of Christ. I can't help but wonder if we have dulled down the truths of Christianity and settled for superficialities. I can't help but wonder if we have accepted a form of Christianity that is more knswledgable but less powerful, more civilized but less compassionate, more acceptable but less authentic than what Jesus taught back in the day.
Over the last 2,ooo years, Christianity has evolved in a lot of ways. Theologians have given us creeds and different canons. Churches have added bells, steeples, pews, pulpits, hymnals, organs, committees, etc.
And I wonder if the accumulated layers of Christian traditions and institutions have obscured the truth that lies beneath.
Well put and I wonder the same myself.